




対象はコーポレートガバナンスコードの採用が義務付けられる会社(Premium Listed Companies)。




5.2 The audit committee section should include, inter alia:
· a summary of the role of the audit committee;
· the names and qualifications of all members of the audit committee during the period;
· the number of audit committee meetings;
· the significant issues that the committee considered in relation to the financial statements
and how these issues were addressed, having regard to matters communicated to it by
the auditors13;
· an explanation of how it has assessed the effectiveness of the external audit process and
the approach taken to the appointment or reappointment of the external auditor, and
information on the length of tenure of the current audit firm, when a tender was last
conducted, and any contractual obligations that acted to restrict the audit committee’s
choice of external auditors (see paragraph 4.26); and
· if the external auditor provides non-audit services, how auditor objectivity and

independence is safeguarded (see paragraph 4.46).

("Guidance on Audit Committees" Financial Reporting Council September 2012)




これまで監査報告書の文言は、標準化されていることに意義があるというの考え方であった。これは、英語ではpass/failモデルまたはbinary modelと呼ばれ、日本語では○×モデル。






最近の財務諸表は、「確率変数のかたまり」のようになっている現状から、アナリストは、誰が監査したのかだけでなく、どうゆう監査をしたのかという情報を有用と認めるのではないか。(井上善弘編著 「監査報告書の新展開」 日本監査研究学会リサーチシリーズ12 平成269 同文館 P10
国際監査基準(ISA701,701 共にまだ公開草案)の考え方を大雑把に言うと次の通り。

上記2を監査報告書に記載する。この監査人が記載する事項をKey Audit Matters(KAM)としている。




昨日の日経 「真相深層」ーーマネロンに甘い日本
「 日米欧など36カ国・地域でつくるFATFのパリ本部に昨秋、日本から一通の書簡が届いた。差出人は麻生太郎財務相。「資金洗浄対策を強化する法整備を早急に進める」という趣旨だった。
これと似ているが、OECDからの摘発が甘いと言われているのが、不正競争防止法。 米国の海外腐敗行為防止法(ロッキード事件の後にできた法律)と同等の規定がこの法律にある。アジアでビジネス拡大する日本企業の足を引っ張ることになるのを避けるためか。これは「当たり」という新聞記事が出ても、摘発されていない。




Key Audit Matters, KAM(監査上の重要事項)を監査報告書に記載することが提案されている。これが確定すると日本の法令への反映が前提とはなるが、日本の監査報告書が変わる



(「企業リスク」リスクの視点 20137月号 創刊10周年記念)













Memo on Integrated Reporting "Discussion Paper" announced in Septemer 2011

( Discussion Memo for Katerva Award Conference in Tokyo in March, 2012 )
You don’t know what you’re missing
Finally IFRS is going to be the single unified standards for Financial Statement in the near future.

As I said in my speech this morning, the business leaders are expected to report societal purpose and how such purpose connects to or integrate into business.
On top of financial standards global unification, there is the reality that the tangible assets included in financial statements reflect a steadily diminishing component of shareholder value.

Based on the study by Ocean Tomo, tangible assets represented 83 percent of market value in 1975 and they represented only 20 percent in 2010 in S&P 500 companies.
Current financial statements do not represent the “true” value of company.

Aside from financial statements, today, companies produce an increasing array of reports; Governance issues including executive pay are sometimes reported on, as well as at least some of the impacts of the business on society and the environment.

But these are often reported to different audiences, in different formats and at different times. In this context, the idea of simplifying all the reporting under a consistent banner—integrated reporting—is very attractive.

The International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC), which was formed in 2010 under the support by the Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability Project and the Global Reporting Initiative. In addition to business executives and investors, representatives from the major accounting bodies, standards setters and security regulators sit on this committee.

The International Integrated Reporting Committee announced Discussion Paper on Integrated Reporting in Septemer 2011.

 The basic idea
Integrated reporting is a process, not a product:
For the stakeholder, the report is intended to increase the understanding of the company—its management, strategy and operations, and its perils and prospects.

The benefit of integrated reporting is that it allows a company to better understand, manage and report on multiple dimensions of value. We believe this can help companies make better decisions and to manage businesses in a way that creates shared value.
How does integrated reporting relate to other reporting frameworks?
1.    Environmental and societal impact reporting standards, however, are less well developed. An early incarnation, environmental reporting, took hold in the 1980s for a variety of reasons:

Some companies were driven by progressive environmental practices; others may simply have wished to portray themselves in that manner; and many others were likely spurred by litigation—or the threat of litigation—that surrounded industrial waste sites, environmental disasters and the like.

Early efforts were mostly sporadic and fragmented, such as inserting brief sections on environmental issues into annual reports, with no linkage to strategy or performance and no attempt to obtain independent assurance.

2.    A decade later, as reports were broadened to include other social issues, they became known as corporate social responsibility, citizenship or sustainability reports. In both their earlier and later forms, these reports were often published separately from financial reports.

Standardization, however, remains elusive. The closest thing to a uniform sustainability reporting framework is the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (GRI Guidelines) by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which is a sustainability reporting framework widely used around the world.6. The GRI Guidelines are a voluntary standard and lack any regulatory mandate.

According to the GRI, more than 4,000 professionals around the world have been trained in the use of the GRI Guidelines, which are available in 25 languages. Yet despite this progress, out of more than the estimated 63,000 multinational corporations around the world, only a fraction produces sustainability reports.7

The Corporate Register, a UK-based organization collecting reports from all regions, sectors and companies of all sizes, states that more than 4,700 sustainability reports were issued in 2010, up from approximately 3,200 in 2007.8

At the GRI’s website, fewer than 2,000 reports explicitly stating that they were created using the GRI Guidelines were registered in 2010.

Beyond the GRI Guidelines a proliferation of competing sustainability-related frameworks, principles, codes and management systems has arisen. The list includes AccountAbility’s AA1000 principles for managing and reporting sustainability performance; the Connected Reporting Framework;

Social Accountability International’s SA8000 for managing labor practices; International Standards Organization’s ISO26000 on sustainability management; the Greenhouse Gas Protocol; and many more.

Add in a regulatory patchwork—the US Security and Exchange Commission’s Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) disclosure rules; the UK’s Enhanced Business Review requirements; the EU’s Modernization Directive 2003 (now adopted by all member states) to include nonfinancial key performance indicators in the annual report;
What Might an Integrated Report Looks Like
According to the IIRC:
Integrated Reporting brings together the material information about an organization’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects in a way that reflects the commercial, social and environmental context within which it operates. It provides a clear and concise representation of how an organization demonstrates stewardship and how it creates value, now and in the future. Integrated Reporting combines the most material elements of information currently reported in separate reporting strands (financial, management commentary, governance and remuneration, and sustainability) in a coherent whole, and importantly:Shows the connectivity between them; and Explains how they affect the ability of an organization to create and sustain value in the short, medium and long term.
Guiding principles underpinning the preparation of an integrated report:

l  Strategic focus:
l  Connectivity of information:
l  Future orientation:
l  Responsiveness and stakeholder inclusiveness:
l  Conciseness, reliability and materiality:

The elements of an integrated report as suggested by the IIRC in the discussion paper are:
l  Organizational overview and business model:
l  Operating context, including risks and opportunities:
l  Strategic objectives and strategies to achieve those objectives:
l  Governance and remuneration:
l  Performance:
l  Future outlook:

Leading Practices
Only one country has mandated comprehensive, fully integrated reporting to date: South Africa, where listed companies must abide by the King III Code on Corporate Governance by providing an annual integrated report in addition to audited financial and sustainability reports (or explain why they are not providing the report).

In line with the expectation that integrated reporting should be a journey that South African companies have been encouraged to embark on from March 2011 onwards, analysis of the South African experience to date has not revealed any comprehensive examples of an integrated report. Deloitte South Africa recently carried out a high-level analysis of listed company reporting practices and concluded that, on average, companies are less than half way along the journey toward integrated reporting. Those companies that had embraced the concept of integrated reporting are, however, well progressed and scored between 60 and 75 percent against the Deloitte South Africa criteria.

There is no short-term outcome of global uniform standards for integrated reporting. It is an on-going process; companies should keep challenging to create better integrated reporting on top of mandatory financial reporting based on the existing guideline including IIRC guideline and GRI guidelines.

Business and Society

(Script for Katerva Award Conference in Tokyo on March 7, 2012)

Your Highness, Ladies and Gentlemen;

It is a great honor for me and my firm, Deloitte to have an opportunity to speak here at the very first Katerva Conference.

Over 160 years ago Deloitte began accounting business in London and grew together with our global and regional clients. Now we operate in over 150 countries with 180,000 people. We provide audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services.

For almost two decades, Deloitte has participated at the Annual Meeting of World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland and at its regional summits throughout the year. We helped produce fresh ideas and offered forward-thinking approaches to some of the most important and critical issues confronting businesses, governments, and society.

Business and Society

In Davos this year, Deloitte introduced important research findings on attitudes of business leaders and the Millennial generation regarding business and its role in society. Millennial generation may not be well known at least here in Japan. It’s young generation which we defined as people born after 1981, people of 30 years old and younger.  

This Millennial generation survey was conducted in late 2011. The research explored the opinions of over 1,000 Millennial generation in our firm in 13 countries. In addition, Deloitte sponsored a survey of 390 business leaders of over 50% of them C-suite around the world. This survey was conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, one of the entities of Economist magazine Group. Both surveys considered the purpose, impact, and leadership of business in wider society.

Societal purpose

The findings of our survey endorse the importance of the societal purpose of business. This creates opportunities for business leaders and for the long-term success of their businesses. Today’s business leaders can do more to understand the purpose, impact, and leadership expected of business in society, and the business leaders can do more to articulate their own contribution to it.

Business plays a fundamental role in creating the society of the future. It is hard to imagine society without business. Business facilitates breakthroughs in technology, trade, information management, and organizational development.
>>>> SLIDE 1 <<<<

Respondents to the surveys believe that business has the greatest potential of any sector in society to effect positive societal change. Faith in business is particularly strong among Millennial generation, but business leaders today are not quite meeting their expectations. There is more to be done. Almost 50% of Millennial respondents believe that business leaders today think too much about the short term and are entirely focused on profit. Around a third of Millennial generation believe that today’s business leaders lack awareness of wider society. These findings invite business leaders to ensure that the longer-term role of their business in society is clearly understood and communicated both internally and externally.

Performance against purpose

>>>> SLIDE 2 <<<<

Today more companies than ever have a value statement, a code of conduct, a commitment to sustainable practices, or philanthropic or community investments. 56% of the 2011 Fortune Global 500 companies have published their ‘values’ and 69% their code of conduct.

>>>> SLIDE 3 <<<<

However, after the global financial crisis, public trust in business has never been so low. Based on the statistics announced by Edelman Trust Barometer in 2011, trust in business declined by 8% in the United States compared with 2010, 5% in the United Kingdom, and 4% here in Japan.

Last year, as you know so called the “Occupy Protesters Movement” took place primarily in the United States. It suggests that, for some communities at least, business is not meeting society’s expectations. The introduction of codes, value statements, and various Corporate Responsibility activities are perceived as peripheral of the business. However, this is not enough to convince society that business is making a valuable contribution to building a better society.

It has been reported that 64% of ‘Occupiers’ were younger than 34 years old.
This Millennial generation will eventually “occupy” the future of our society. These people will play the future role as the engine of business productivity, and will be the future leaders of the private sector. This generation holds the key to prosperity worldwide.

It is said that the Millennial generation has different priorities and expectations. This was supported by our survey. They want to make a positive difference in the world. Based on our survey, the majority of them want to work for an organization that cares about how it impacts and contributes to society. The Millennial generation will be in high demand for their working lives.

I know many companies here in Japan have code of conduct or “SHAZE”, “SHAKUN” in Japanese. However, I don’t think there are many companies which make sure how these codes relate to their business strategies and its people’s behavior.

Generalized statements about the purpose of business are not sufficient at all. Companies can better understand the contribution that their businesses make to the economic, environmental, and social progress of the economy. They can make that contribution clearer to their wider constituency and they can share progress against their purpose on a regular basis.

Any business can identify and articulate the reason for its company’s existence. And any business can craft a narrative that expresses how its products and services contribute to building a flourishing society.

>>>> SLIDE 4 <<<<

In the survey sponsored by Deloitte, business leaders were asked about stakeholder awareness of their own company’s statement of purpose. 55% of Internal stakeholders were considered most informed, believing it to be widely known throughout their organization. In contrast, only 25% felt their customers, consumers, or clients could explain the societal purpose of their enterprise. Even fewer (23%) believed their industry or competitors would be aware of it.

It is the time for corporate sector to consider better articulating and communicating the role that business plays in pioneering innovation and driving societal development.
Doing so, today’s business leaders can not only engage better with the central priorities of the Millennial generation but also can bring a range of other benefits. A shared societal purpose inspires teamwork, cohesion, and community. It can serve as the ignition key for extraordinary effort, harnessing the hearts of people.

Both thinking and feeling are essential to make sustained change, and both are found in successful organizations. The true key to change is in people’s emotions. That is why a shared sense of societal purpose is very important to drive a change in organizational identity and culture.

Just after the great earthquake in East Japan, a number of employees of parcel delivery service, Yamato Transport began participating in the rescue activities in the disaster area using the company’s delivery trucks. This decision was made by the employees themselves and it was performed without the permission by the headquarters. Knowing the fact afterwards, the CEO of Yamato became extremely pleased and proud of their activities which were performed without his permission, because it is great evidence that the employees truly understand the societal purpose of the company.

>>>> SLIDE 5 <<<<

The message from both the Millennial population and the business leaders was that the success of business should not be measured on profit alone and that the purpose of business cannot be defined in purely economic or financial terms. Profit as the sole measure of success is rejected by 92% of Millennial generation and 71% of business leaders.

>>>> SLIDE 6 <<<<

I know many companies report community investment and environment-friendly activities. Business should report not only financial performance but its positive impact on wider society and its performance against its societal purpose. As a matter of fact, according to the business leaders survey, 76% of business leader believed that the value of a company should be measured by the positive contribution that its core business makes to society as well as by the profits.

It is no more Corporate Social Responsibility which is rather remote from business or departments which concern only day-to-day business dealing with customers and vendors. It is no more “Responsibility” at all. It is now a core part of business.
‘Responsibility to society’ stops to be just about the side effects of core business. Instead, The Societal Purpose of Business starts to be seen as integral to every layer of strategic and operational planning. And it is a crucial part of answering the question of where the business is trying to get to over the long term, and how it is planning to get there.

Decisions and activities must be traced back to the societal purpose of the business. Societal purpose helps integrate sustainability and commitments into any operational systems, business plans, or performance goals.

A shared sense of societal purpose can significantly help to drive organizational change in this direction. By reimagining the purpose of an organization, the organization can empower and enable it to drive towards a sustainable future.

「内部統制報告実務詳解」 はしがき

(「内部統制報告実務詳解」商事法務2009年4月 はしがき)























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